Festival Voix d’Amériques
2008 Edition

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Festival Voix d’Amériques 2008, une édition particulièrement audacieuse et un public fidèle

News posted Tuesday, February 19, 2008

[Text not available in English.]

Suite au fulgurant succès de l’édition 2007 avec Richard Desjardins comme invité d’honneur, on se demandait ce que la 7e cuvée du Festival Voix d’Amériques (FVA) réservait pour aller encore plus loin… En offrant une programmation audacieuse, le FVA a une fois de plus remporté son pari et mobilisé un public nombreux, curieux, solidaire et festif!

Spoken word, poetry, performance, music… and a sense of history!

News posted Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Winter has been a little crazy the last seven years, and Les Filles électriques is definitely responsible for a few degrees of intensity! Since 2002, Montreal has been plugged into the Festival Voix d’Amériques (FVA) celebrating performance text, spoken word and the risk of language. This year, the FVA runs February 1 to 8, the seventh edition of this electrifying production by Les Filles électriques.

Moving between the Sala Rossa and the Casa del Popolo, with one incursion to Ex‑Centris, this 7th FVA brings together more than 100 artists, in English and French, to perform for playful audiences in a relaxed and festive atmosphere. We have a special treat for Montreal this year in our guest of honour, New York poet John Giorno, who has been a leading figure in performance poetry for more than 50 years! John Giorno will perform on three consecutive nights - solo, with francophone poets, and with anglophone poets.